Mesa County Republican Women
Formed in 1944, we are active in our community of Western Colorado
REPUBLICAN WOMEN BELIEVE: The strength of our nation lies with the individual & that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored. Equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all regardless of race, creed, age, sex, national origin or disability. Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new & innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times. The Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

JOIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY!Network with other successful Republican Women | Meet Republican Officials and Candidates | Stay apprised on local issuesFull Annual Membership - $40.00 includes:
National Federation of Republican Women and Colorado Federation of Republican Women. Must be a Registered Republican voter.Associate Annual Membership - $15.00
Available to registered Republican Women Voters of other Republican Women's Clubs and to men who are registered Republican voters.Student Membership $5.00
What We Do
Monthly Luncheons | Educational Speakers | Political Candidate Forums | Civic Responsibility Trainings | Supporting Young Conservatives & Leaders | Sign-Waving Events | Honorable US Flag Ceremonies | Parade Participation
Sign up for our FREE newsletter
Donate to MCRW
Help us support Republican candidates and conservative values and foster the growth of civic engagement in our community.
Monthly Lunch Meetings
$30 Held on 1st Mondays monthly (no July Meeting in lieu of parade) Time: 11:30 - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Grand Vista Hotel, 2790 Crossroads Blvd, Grand Junction, CO 81506
Reservations and payment required by Thursday before meeting. Walk-in attendance $35.
No Shows cannot be refunded. Cancels accepted before RSVP deadline only.
Please reserve and pay in advance using the below form. If you have difficulty reserving lunch, contact us.
Thank you for helping us stay organized.
$30 MCRW 2025 Monthly Luncheon Schedule Subject to Change:
February 3rd Open invitation to all candidates for Grand Junction City Council
March 3rd Update from DA Rubenstein, additional GJ City Council Candidates
April 7th Housing in Mesa County
May 5th Betsy Bair, District Director for Congressman Hurd
June 2nd Legislative Wrap Up with Senator Rich, Reps Taggert and Soper
July No meeting - Please join us in the Independence Day Parade
August 4th Economic Update Curtis Englehart, GJEP
September 8th School Board Candidates
October 6th Ballot Issues Overview
November 3 Legislative Preview Senator Rich, Reps Taggert and Soper
December Joint Christmas Party with MCR
MCRW Events
Saturday, March 22, Clifton Community Center
Keynote Speaker Honorable Harriet Hageman, Wyoming House of Representatives
VIP Meet & Greet, | Semi-formal Dinner | Auction & Raffle & Games
Join us for a special evening honoring the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, one of America’s most revered leaders. This commemorative dinner will celebrate his enduring principles of unity, freedom, and perseverance. Enjoy an evening of fellowship, fine dining, and reflection on Lincoln’s profound impact on our nation, his leadership during the Civil War, and his unwavering commitment to equality and republic. In his own words "...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

$150 VIP Ticket Includes: Cocktail hour meet & greet with keynote speaker. Followed by dinner events as below.
Doors open at 5pm for VIP ticket only$100 General Admission Ticket Includes:
Dinner, beverages, keynote address, raffle and silent auction.
Doors open at 6pm for General Admission tickets
Would you like to sponsor this event through your generous donations, please email us!
Are you a member who wants to get civically involved in our community? Let us know how you want to help MCRW.
Local voices give the good, bad, and the ugly information and opinion on current events. Guests blog posts provide insightful prose to keep our members and citizens apprised and engaged.
Political Links
Find information on affiliated organizations and Republican candidates currently running for office which apply to the Mesa County electorate

https://www.coloradogopwomen.orgIf you are a member of MCRW, you are automatically a member of CFRW. They send out a Tusk Talk which is a newsletter that compiles info about all of the Colorado clubs. They hold one board meeting (Spring) and 1 Convention (Fall) each year. This spring’s Board Meeting is being held in Pueblo, Colorado.

MESA COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY - 1227 N 23rd #107, Grand Junction, Co
970-314-9393OPEN M, W, F, 11:00-2:00This is our connection to the Republican Party State Board. Our election and Caucuses are run by this Board. They will be sponsoring many party events at this location. Their regular monthly luncheon is held on the 3rd Friday of the month at the Doubletree Hotel.


NATIONAL FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN NFRW National organization was formed in 1938 and we should be proud that Colorado is a Charter member. Joyce Arneill of Colorado - President, 1939-40 and later a member of MCRW Ruth Parks of Colorado - President, 1961-62 ,followed by Judy Hughes of Colorado - President, 1986-89. We do have our connections!


THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE is the best informative site I have ever seen. Lots of info on the political issues of the day! Very well done and necessary to keep us informed. Well worth putting on your favorites list. THANK YOU CHAIRWOMAN RONNA MCDANIEL!
Contact Us
Please understand we are an all volunteer group. We might be a little slow to respond but we are glad to hear from you![email protected]
President: Carla Alley [email protected] 970-773-47021st VP Programs: Diane Schwenke
2nd VP Membership: Teresa Anson
• 3rd Vice President Fundraising: Mariah Hannon
Secretary: Bonnita Wallace
Treasurer: Sue Benjamin
Chaplain: Bonnita Wallace
© Mesa County Republican Women 2025